Rules Governing Play Within NVTBL (in priority order)
- NVTBL Age Level Specific Rules
- NVTBL Local Rules
- National Federation of High School (NFHS) Rules
Designated Hitter (DH)
The Designated Hitter is not used due to the EH provision below.
An unlimited number of extra hitters (EH) will be allowed, up to and including batting the entire line-up. A team using the EH is required to let the opposing manager and the home plate umpire aware prior to the start of the game. This must be addressed when covering fields and grounds rules. Both teams must exchange line-up cards with the opposing team and the home plate umpire.
- A team using EHs must maintain the same number of batting positions used in their initial line-up for the entire game.
- If a team is unable to maintain the batting line-up due to player injury or ejection, the injured player is removed from the batting order with no penalty. This rule is in effect even if the team drops below 9 players. If a player leaves the game for any other reason, then the missing batter will be considered out.
- The player in the EH position, while not in a defensive position, will be treated as such for substitution purposes.
- The re-entry rule applies for the EH.
- Once a pitcher leaves the field and goes to the bench, he cannot return to pitch even if he occupies the EH position (EH is not a defensive position).
Any player that intentionally throws his/her bat will automatically be called out and receive a warning from the umpire.
If the umpire believes the thrown bat was unintentional, a warning will be given to the team. If it happens a second time (intentional or unintentional), the player will be called out and ejected for the remainder of that game.
- On any thrown bat event, all play will stop. All runners will return to their base at the time of the pitch.
There is no catch and carry allowed. All players must catch the ball with both feet inside the out of play lines. If a player makes a play in foul territory and his momentum carries him out of play after making the catch, the batter is out, the ball is dead and all base runners will be advanced one base.
Umpires will be scheduled by the league. Our umpires are all trained during the winter by professional umpires. Umpires only accept cash. The team listed as home team in a particular game will be responsible for paying the umpire, if there is only one. For example, in a weekend double header, when there is one umpire, the home team in the first game will pay the umpire and then in the second game, the home team for that game will pay the umpire.
- Age groups 12u, 11u, 10u, 9u and 8u will have one umpire per game for the regular season.
- If an umpire does not show or calls in with issues in getting to the game, the home field manager should contact the league commissioner immediately to determine if another umpire might be available. If one is not available, the managers can elect to use coaches/parents for that game or DH.
- The home field team is responsible for contacting the umpire(s) no later than three hours before game time of the first game, if the games will be cancelled or times/locations changed due to inclement weather. Failure to do so will result in the home field team having to pay for the umpire(s) for that first game. The fee for an umpire showing up is $50 per umpire.
Head-first Slide at Home
All age levels: A player sliding head-first into home base will be called out.
Bat Size and Standards
8U - 12U teams - NVTBL will allow both USA and USSSA bats for the upcoming fall season. We do recognize that there are teams at certain age levels who will elect to only use USA bats. Coaches may agree ahead of games to only use USA bats for their game(s). That is totally acceptable if both coaches agree prior to the game starting. The bat rules are posted on the home page of
13U teams - USA and USSSA Baseball Bat Standard restrictions
14U teams - USA and USSSA Baseball Bat Standard restrictions
JV teams - bats are restricted to the BBCOR standards
Varsity teams - bats are restricted to the BBCOR standards
PSL teams - bats are restricted to the BBCOR standards
**BBCOR bats can be used at any age level**
Coaches have to agree at the home plate conference that their players are legally and properly equipped. If the umpire forgets to ask that question then the rule still applies and by participating in the league you agree that your players are legally and properly equipped for all games.
Opposing coaches/players must bring an illegal bat to the attention of the umpire. If an illegal bat is found then it will be taken out of the game immediately. It must be brought to the umpire’s attention immediately as there is no penalty for an illegal bat that was used after the fact. The coach will receive a warning for the first time an illegal bat is used by any of his players. League staff should also be notified by the opposing coach after the game via email so that we can track infractions. If another illegal bat is used in the same day, the head coach will be ejected from the game and league suspension rules will be in place.
If league staff receives information that a coach/team has had multiple illegal bat infractions then the league office may take further action against that coach or team.

Other Rules
- Uniforms - All Players must have uniforms with numbers visible on the back of the jersey.
- All on-field coaches for all levels (8U – ODL) who step on the field before, during or after the game must abide by the NVTBL dress code. Acceptable tops include a team jersey, team t-shirt (LS or SS) or team jacket. Acceptable bottoms include baseball pants, team shorts (team color) or team athletic pants (fleece pants or performance pants). All coach’s attire (tops and bottoms) must match the team colors. A fine of $100 will be levied on each occurrence against teams violating this rule.
- Metal Cleats - No metal cleats for 8U – 12U.
- Protests - No protests will be recognized. All umpire decisions are final.
- Team Size - Teams may play games with fewer than 9 players if necessary. If requested, the opponents may provide additional defensive players.
- Player Movement Policy - Travel team players should expect to be fully committed to their team for the duration of the season (i.e. Spring/Summer or Fall). Coaches are not permitted to recruit players during the season (i.e. Spring/Summer or Fall). Once the season has concluded, players are able to tryout for a different team. If a player requests a change in team during the season, they must obtain a release from the head coach. If the coach approves the release, he/she should email NVTBL with the player’s name and the reason for the release. If the coach does not approve the release, that player is not eligible to play for a new team for that season.
- Player Ejection Policy – Player is suspended from participation in NVTBL for the next game.
- Parent Ejection Policy – Parent is suspended from participation in NVTBL for 8 calendar days from the date of ejection. Ejected parent’s child is also suspended for 8 calendar days and may not participate in any NVTBL practices or games.
- Manager/Coach Ejection Policy – 1st occurrence - Manager/coach is suspended from participation in NVTBL for 8 calendar days from the date of ejection. 2nd occurrence – Manager/coach is suspended from participation in NVTBL for the remainder of the season and may not be allowed to participate in future seasons.
Run Rules
- See individual age rules
- No new inning after 1 hour 50 mins during regular season games
Coaches Outside of Dugout – Teams are limited to 3 coaches outside of the dugout during play. Umpires should monitor their proximity to the field.
Courtesy Runner - Allowed for Pitcher and Catcher with 2 outs only. Bench player if subs, last out if no subs.
Substitution Rules
HS Federation (modified). Free substitution defensively. Federation rules pertaining to batting order and re-entry. Only starters can re-enter in the same spot in the order. Substitutes may not re-enter the batting order after being removed from the game. They may, however, enter as a defensive player.
*Injured Player (without substitutes), no penalty when that spot comes up.
**Ejection (without substitutes), no penalty when that spot comes up.
Line-ups - Bat as many players as you would like. Multiple EH’s permitted, no DH.
Dropped 3rd Strike
- No at 8U, 9U, and 10U (AA) and 10u (AAA FALL ONLY)
- Yes, at 10u (AAA/Metro Spring; Metro Fall), 11u, and 12u
Infield Fly
- No at 8u
- Yes at 9u, 10u, 11u, and 12u
For 8u – 12u, rosters must be capped at 20 players and each player must register via the NVTBL web-site. Rosters can be amended; however, no changes may take place after October 10th (fall season) and May 10th (spring season) unless approved by NVTBL Board.
Violation of this rule could result in forfeiture of game(s) played with illegal player.
Waivers – NVTBL allows waivered players--the waiver must be applied for by contacting your NVTBL scheduler with the player’s name, age, DOB and reason for the waiver. The waivered player must not be one of the best players on your team (i.e., catcher/pitcher). Waivered players cannot pitch or catch in any NVTBL regular season or tournament game. NVTBL will be providing list of waivered players to all teams per division.
Regular season rules carryover to Post-Season Tournament games.
When a pitcher takes his position at the beginning of each inning, or when he relieves another pitcher, he shall be permitted to pitch not to exceed eight (8) preparatory pitches to his catcher during which play shall be suspended. Such preparatory pitches shall not consume more than one minute of time. If a sudden emergency causes a pitcher to be summoned into the game without any opportunity to warm up, the umpire-in-chief shall allow him as many pitches as the umpire deems necessary.
When the bases are unoccupied, the pitcher shall deliver the ball to the batter within twelve (12) seconds after he receives the ball. Each time the pitcher delays the game by violating this rule, the umpire shall call “Ball.” The twelve (12) second timing starts when the pitcher is in possession of the ball and the batter is in the box alert to the pitcher. The timing stops when the pitcher releases the ball.
- Comment: The intent of this rule is to avoid unnecessary delays. The umpire shall insist that the catcher return the ball promptly to the pitcher, and that the pitcher take his position on the rubber promptly. Obvious delay by the pitcher should instantly be penalized by the umpire.
A player removed from the pitching position (starting pitcher or subsequent relief pitcher) may not return to the pitching position for the remainder of the game.
- See each age level rule for pitch count restrictions.
- For more information and guidance, go to the American Sports Medicine Institute at
8U – no balks will be called
9U – no balks will be called
10U – one warning per pitcher (no balks for Fall – AA, AAA; Spring - AA)
11U and 12U – Spring season – no warnings (except for AA division), Fall season – 1 warning per pitcher
NVTBL Age Specific Rules 8U – 12U
11/12 and under rules (TRAVEL)
The 11u and 12u teams will play on a 50’ mound / 70’ bases field.
A game is defined as 6 innings or 1 hour 50 mins (no new inning can start after 1 hour 50 mins). In the case of a rain shortened game, that game will be considered official only after 4 complete innings (or if the home team is ahead after 3 ½ innings). Each double header will consist of a home game and visitor’s game for both teams.
- Once the 6th inning is reached AND the time limit has not been reached and both teams are tied, we will then go to International Tie-breaking rules. Both teams will play to win an inning, starting with a runner on second base playing until there is a winner. To start the tie breaker, the last batted out from the previous inning becomes the runner on second when starting the tiebreaker inning.
- Note: The 2 hour rule is NOT a “drop dead” rule. The inning will be completed if it has been started before the 2 hour limit has been reached.
- After the 6th inning, if any “extra inning” reaches the time limit of two hours, that inning will be the last, and if the teams are still tied, they will remain tied.
15 runs after 4 innings OR 12 runs after 5 innings = game is complete
The infield fly rule will be in effect.
Free stealing will be allowed, in accordance with MLB rules. The hitter may advance to first base on a dropped third strike, in accordance with MLB rules.
Pitching (11U and 12U)
- Pitchers will be limited to 85 pitches per day.
- If a pitcher throws less than 40 pitches, he may catch an unlimited number of innings per day.
- If a pitcher throws 41 – 59 pitches, he may catch a maximum of 3 innings per day.
- If a pitcher throws more than 60 pitches in the first game, he is ineligible to catch at all that day.
- If a player pitches or catches 5 innings or more he is ineligible to pitch or catch in the 2nd game of the day.
- Tournament guidelines may be different.
- Pitchers can finish the hitter without penalty.
- A Pitcher cannot re-enter that position (P) after being removed.
- Pitchers have 5 pitches between innings and umpires are encouraged to monitor a 2-minute time limit between innings. New/starting Pitchers are granted 8 pitches for warm up.
- Visits = 1 per inning per pitcher, must remove on 2nd visit
- LL rules days of rest apply to all regular season NVTBL games (this rule applies to any team that may play on more than 1 day per week)
- Home scorebook is reference point. Please communicate between innings.
Violation of these rules could result in suspension.
*NVTBL strongly encourages coaches & parents communicate with house league coaches to ensure that no player is throwing too much each week.
Balks – Fall season – 1 warning per pitcher; Spring – no warning (except AA level teams)
The 10u AA teams will play on a 46’ mound / 60’ bases field for FALL and SPRING. AAA teams will play 46’/60’ for FALL and 46’/65’ for SPRING. Metro teams will play on a 46’/65’ field for FALL and SPRING.
A game is defined as 6 innings or 1 hour 50 mins (no new inning can start after 1 hour 50 mins). In the case of a rain shortened game, that game will be considered official only after 4 complete innings (or if the home team is ahead after 3 ½ innings). Each double header will consist of a home game and visitor’s game for both teams.
- Note: The 2 hour rule is NOT a “drop dead” rule. The inning will be completed if it has been started before the 2 hour limit has been reached.
15 runs after 4 innings OR 12 runs after 5 innings = game is complete
Infield Fly
The infield fly rule will be in effect.
Dropped 3rd Strike
The hitter may advance to first base on a dropped third strike, in accordance with MLB rules for AAA (SPRING ONLY)/Metro teams. No for teams playing AA, AAA (FALL ONLY) division (46/60)
- AA teams – no leads may be taken
- AAA teams (FALL) –no leads may be taken
- AAA teams (SPRING)—leads may be taken
- Metro teams – leads may be taken
- Any league or division without leads – per team – 1st offense – runner goes back; 2nd offense – runner is out.
Pitching (10U)
- Pitchers will be limited to 75 pitches per day.
- If a pitcher throws less than 40 pitches, he may catch an unlimited number of innings per day.
- If a pitcher throws 41 – 59 pitches, he may catch a maximum of 3 innings per day.
- If a pitcher throws more than 60 pitches in the first game, he is ineligible to catch at all that day.
- If a player pitches or catches 5 innings or more he is ineligible to pitch or catch in the 2nd game of the day.
- Tournament guidelines may be different.
- Pitchers can finish the hitter without penalty.
- A Pitcher cannot re-enter that position (P) after being removed.
- Pitchers have 5 pitches between innings and umpires are encouraged to monitor a 2-minute time limit between innings. New/starting Pitchers are granted 8 pitches for warm up.
- Visits = 1 per inning per pitcher, must remove on 2nd visit
- LL rules days of rest apply to all regular season NVTBL games (this rule applies to any team that may play on more than 1 day per week)
- Home scorebook is reference point. Please communicate between innings.
Violation of these rules could result in suspension.
*NVTBL strongly encourages coaches & parents communicate with house league coaches to ensure that no player is throwing too much each week.
Balks – 1 warning per pitcher
The 9u teams will play on a 46’ mound / 60’ bases field..
A game is defined as 6 innings or 1 hour 50 mins (no new inning can start after 1 hour 50 mins). In the case of a rain shortened game, that game will be considered official only after 4 complete innings (or if the home team is ahead after 3 ½ innings). Each double header will consist of a home game and visitor’s game for both teams.
- Note: The 1 hour 50 mins is NOT a “drop dead” rule. The inning will be completed if it has been started before the 1:50 limit has been reached.
15 runs after 4 innings OR 12 runs after 5 innings = game is complete
Infield Fly
The infield fly rule will be in effect.
Free stealing will be allowed, including home plate.
- A player must not leave his/her base to steal until the ball crosses the plate. If a runner leaves early, he/she will be called out and the pitch will be a dead ball.
- The ball is dead once the umpire calls dead ball, or once the pitcher is on the rubber and the catcher is ready to receive the next pitch.
Pitching (9U)
- Pitchers will be limited to 75 pitches per day.
- If a pitcher throws less than 40 pitches, he may catch an unlimited number of innings per day.
- If a pitcher throws 41 – 59 pitches, he may catch a maximum of 3 innings per day.
- If a pitcher throws more than 60 pitches in the first game, he is ineligible to catch at all that day.
- If a player pitches or catches 5 innings or more he is ineligible to pitch or catch in the 2nd game of the day.
- Tournament guidelines may be different.
- Pitchers can finish the hitter without penalty.
- A Pitcher cannot re-enter that position (P) after being removed.
- Pitchers have 5 pitches between innings and umpires are encouraged to monitor a 2-minute time limit between innings. New/starting Pitchers are granted 8 pitches for.
- Visits = 1 per inning per pitcher, must remove on 2nd visit
- LL rules days of rest apply to all regular season NVTBL games (this rule applies to any team that may play on more than 1 day per week)
- Home scorebook is reference point. Please communicate between innings.
Violation of these rules could result in suspension.
*NVTBL strongly encourages coaches & parents to communicate with house league coaches to ensure that no player is throwing too much each week.
Balks – no balks will be called
The 8u teams will play on a 46’ mound / 60’ bases field.
A game is defined as 6 innings for single headers and 5 innings for double headers. No new inning after 1 hour 50 mins.
- Each double header will consist of a home game and visitor’s game for both teams.
- If teams play a single game, the teams should flip a coin for the home team.
- Note: The 1 hour 50 mins is NOT a “drop dead” rule. The inning will be completed if it has been started before the 1:50 limit has been reached.
15 runs after 3 innings or 10 runs after 4 innings= game is complete
There will be a 5 run maximum rule per inning (no more than 5 runs can be scored), except for the last inning of the game (either the 5th inning, or the last inning based on the time limit).
Infield Fly
The infield fly rule will NOT be in effect.
Free stealing will be allowed.
- A player must not leave his/her base to steal until the ball crosses the plate. If a runner leaves early, he/she will be called out and the pitch will be a dead ball.
- A runner may not steal home. A run can only be scored on a hit, a bases loaded walk, or one of the following:
- Runner attempts to steal third and the catcher throws to third in order to pick him off. The runner may attempt home.
- Runner at third, with runners at any other base. If the catcher attempts to throw out a runner at any other base, the runner at third may attempt home.
- Runners may steal. If the catcher makes a play on the runner, the runner can make an attempt at one more base, at his own risk. He can only take one additional base.
- The ball is dead once the umpire calls dead ball, or once the pitcher is on the rubber and the catcher is ready to receive the next pitch.
Managers of 8u teams will be allowed to have 10 players on the field (4 outfielders). This is not mandatory, and if one team elects to have 10 players on the field, the other manager can elect to only have nine.
The regular season will be kid pitch.
- The pitching distance from the mound will be 46’ for all 8u games.
- There will be no coach pitch at 8u.
- There will be no pitcher time limit between pitches. It is up to the umpire’s judgment to move the game along, if he feels that the pitcher is taking an inordinate amount of time.
- There will be no balks in the 8u division. Umpires should let the pitcher know of any flagrant moves that would normally be considered a balk.
- Pitchers will be limited to 50 pitches per day. This excludes warm-ups. If a pitcher reaches his 50 pitch limit while pitching to a batter, he is allowed to finish pitching to that batter, even if his pitch count exceeds 50.
- The home team score book will be used by the umpire to determine if the pitcher has reached his/her limit. Scorebooks should be clear in showing where the pitcher pitched. The visiting team should check every inning to make sure the home team book is accurate.
- Use of a pitcher over the limits prescribed above will mean the immediate removal of that pitcher in the game. If the violation is found after the game has been completed, the game will be considered a forfeit.
- 8u players will only be allowed to play catcher up to 3 innings total in a day in order to be eligible to pitch before or after they catch in that same day.
- Tournament guidelines may be different.
- Pitchers can finish the hitter without penalty.
- A Pitcher cannot re-enter that position (P) after being removed.
- Pitchers have 5 pitches between innings and umpires are encouraged to monitor a 2-minute time limit between innings. New/starting Pitchers are granted 8 pitches for.
- Visits = 1 per inning per pitcher, must remove on 2nd visit
- LL rules days of rest apply to all regular season NVTBL games (this rule applies to any team that may play on more than 1 day per week)
- Home scorebook is reference point. Please communicate between innings.
- Violation of these rules could result in suspension.
- *NVTBL strongly encourages coaches & parents to communicate with house league coaches to ensure that no player is throwing too much each week.
Intentional bunting will not be allowed at the 8u level.
- If a batter, in the determination of the umpire, appears to have tried to intentionally bunt, the play will be called dead and the pitch is a “no pitch.”
Outfielders must be clearly present in the outfield before a pitch is made. The distance should be a minimum of 30 feet from where the infielders normally play. This will be a judgment call by the umpire. The intent of this rule is to have outfielders playing their positions and not “crowding” into the infield.
- If an outfielder is found to be playing too close in, the umpire will issue a warning to the player and manager and have the manager move the outfielder into proper position.