skip navigationCOACH FAQs
Yes, you must enter all of your players on your roster in SE. You can do this under Manage Team on your team page (see video above).
Coaches will continue to score games using their coach login at NVTBL.org. Those scores will automatically be updated to SE for all to see.
Yes, you have creative rights to edit/manage your individual team page on our new site for FREE.
Yes, you control who can see/do what on your individual team page.
You can create an account by going to NVTBLBaseball.org, selecting Login then create an account or you will receive an email invitation from your coach when he enters you on the roster. You will need to follow the instructions and become a member of Sports Engine and your team.
You can view the schedule for your team on your team page at NVTBLBaseball.org.
Yes, you will simply login with that information and accept the invite to your NVTBL team.
Coaches can send last minute texts/e-mails through their team website
Coaches can track what players will be attending what events through the new website.
Coaches can use this as their team’s web page at no cost.
Download on Google Play or App Store
You can use SE to create a Rally Me fundraising campaign.
The Sports Engine Help Center can answer any questions you may have - http://help.sportsengine.com